Thursday 3 May 2012

About this blog

January 1, 2012 was the starting date of the LipRead project, a EU project about lipreading.

Interested readers can find the official project info on the website: . Some of the info on the website has been translated into Dutch and Turkish. German translations are being made as I write.

The website is for the official info. The partners in the consortium use e-mail, for all internal discussions. We will send out a newsletter to interested outsiders, every now and then (people can register for the newsletter, on the website).

I am now starting this blog as yet another way to keep interested people informed of what we are doing. It will be a personal blog - what you read here, are my personal thoughts. Other partners in the consortium may not agree with me. And it's very much: thinking in progress.

I want to keep track somewhere of all the things that I read, hear, or think up myself. I will use a public blog to do this, because I hope to find as many people as possible, who can help us try and understand what lipreading is all about, and how it can or should be taught.

I have been e-mailing with a number of people about these things since January: partners in the consortium, people in Europe, and even someone from 'down-under'. I want to use this blog to share their thoughts (with their permission!) with others, and vice versa.
Very much 'crowd-sourcing', even though we are a pretty small crowd, spread thinly across the globe ;-)

I will write this blog in English, even though Dutch is my first language, to try and connect to as many people as possible, around the world. So please apologize my "Denglish" or "Eurish"!
I've asked the German partner in the project, Tanja Hubert, to start her own LipRead blog in German, for the colleagues in Germany. If she does, it will be her personal log with her thoughts about the project. But of course we will share and transfer and translate, whenever we want everyone's feedback.

I will not be able to work on this blog, every day, and the blog will not be in a diary format. The plan is to start a new page for each question that we are trying to answer (or deal with) in the LipRead project.

For instance:
  • is lipreading like learning a new language, or is it different? 
  • what tools or methods or tests can we use, to evaluate the effectiveness of our materials?  
  • is lipreading English easier, or more difficult than lipreading Dutch? 
I'll add questions, as we go along. I'll add reports of my 'thinking in progress' to every page/question, whenever I've found new information, talked to people, or have another one of my 'eureka' experiences.

NB: I have these quite regularly, most are dudds, so they come with a warning: most have a very limited shelf-life ;-(

And yes: please, comment! In English if possible, in any other written language if necessary. I can use Google Translate to help me understand. 


PS: for readers who are new to Blogger: you can respond to this blog (anonymously if you want) by clicking on the '0 comments' link at the bottom of each post:
this is just a picture, you'll find the real link further down

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